Wednesday, April 22, 2015


I've been wanting to do this blog for a while. One thing that has held me back has been fears about what my insurance company would think if they stumbled upon it. I'm also a private person and it can be embarrassing to talk about going blind. So I've decided to speak up despite my concerns. Hopefully this will work out for the best.  
I found out at the age of 25 that I was losing my vision due to an eye disease, Retinitis pigmentosa. Within six months of finding out about RP, my wife was gone, I had to stop driving and move away from our house and friends. RP destroyed my life.

The only link I kept to my old life was my job. I moved to a city an hour from my home so I could walk to work. I moved into a downtown apartment with no support system or transportation. My life was spiraling out of control. I sunk into a deep depression and turned to partying to numb the pain. I was only able to keep up this lifestyle for a few years before it took its toll on my health.

By my early 30's I'd settled back down. I remarried and had a couple of kids. I worked for more than a decade at my job before my vision was too bad to continue. So a couple of years ago I went out on disability.

I've made plenty of mistakes in the past 16 years of knowing about visual impairment. Hopefully I can pass on some of that wisdom here at this blog.    

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