Monday, December 28, 2015

Loasing Well Part 14

Continuation of my series, Losing Well. Part 1 can be found here.

December 2015
2006 was an important year. I’d had cataract surgery in both eyes and was struggling to read print. I was still suffering from depression. Then in the summer I found out news that would change my life forever. Kate was pregnant. This news flipped a switch. I was yanked out of my naval gazing and had something positive to focus on.

When I'd first found out about RP, I had gone for genetic testing, The counselor gave me a 10% chance of passing on RP to any offspring. Those odds didn't scare us away from having children. But they did scare me. I never wanted my children to have to suffer the way I have.  

June 2006
Kate’s pregnant!

21 August 2006
Found out we’re having a boy!

October 2006
Went to Miami for the first time. Kate and I loved it.

3 November 2006

This year has been difficult from an eyesight perspective. Since my second cataract surgery in February, I’ve had to deal with not reading any book I felt like. Instead, I’ve been forced to read large print books. This is not ideal. Mainly because I’m not old and/or into romance or crime novels.

Then a couple of months back I saw a low vision specialist who gave me a new prescription for reading. While it isn’t exactly the same, I have to hold the book a lot closer to my nose, I’m very happy to report that I’m back to ready normal sized print.

I see a retina specialist on a regular basis and I’ve been to Johns Hopkins for treatment. But what it really took was a doctor willing to talk to me and work with me – something that took longer than a twenty minute appointment. She has my thanks.

7 December 2006

I did the unthinkable today, I went Christmas shopping at the mall. While I’m smart enough to do the majority of my shopping online, there are things that just have to be seen to be bought. Which becomes a philosophical musing given my visual impairment.

The mall was what the mall is this time of year. The crowds were huge, and very hard for me to navigate without my cane. Of course wife and I now look ridiculous when I use my cane. We’re like super hero’s: Pregnant girl and the blind guy.

2 February 2007
He's Here! my son was born today! Doctor didn’t make it back to the hospital in time so our nurse delivered him.

Part 15 can be found here.

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