Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Silence As Victory

So I've been on private long term disability insurance for several years. I'm also on government disability. The government has been chill. They haven't gone out of their way to make my life hard. My private insurance company has been making me jump through hoops. They've treated me like I'm trying to defraud them. They've been so horrible it makes me wonder if they ever pay out. I'd love to see the percentages.

For years I've been doing tasks the insurance company assigned me. But for the first time I don't have any outstanding hurdles. They sent me to the State blind services a few months back hoping to get confirmation that I should go work at a menial job. The State disagreed and, at least of right now, the insurance company has no plan for me.

I assume my insurance company is regrouping for another angle. Or they've given up fighting? Hard to believe that. But it's not like they'll call to tell me I've beaten them. It's been a month since they called. Maybe silence is victory. 

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